11 April 2010

party planning

Next month I'm going to celebrate my completing 30 years of life with a 1920s party! Planning is underway and I'm very excited. I have a dress pattern and material to make my party dress, the hall is booked and loads of ideas are swimming in my head. I thought I'd share some fashion pics sketched by John Peacock in his fashion sourcebook "The 1920s" that I borrowed from the local library.

Click on a pic for a bigger squiz!

The 1920s was a decade of lighthearted entertainment and frivillous fun after the drudgery of World War I (until the Great Depression hit in 1929) so it should be a fun and boisterous party!

08 April 2010

truck entertainment

I was entertained by trucks today. First, I arrived at work this morning to a trailer from a B-double truck lying down. Pretty sure they're not meant to do that .. ha ha. Found out shortly after it was a big load of plaster for us. D'oh. Kept hanging out by the window throughout the morning to see the latest progression of getting it back on its wheels. (No one hurt of course. The rest of the truck was fine too.)
Then some nanny work this arvo and the neighbours are building. The boys particularly were very excited. We watched with interest while I explained what was happening to the oldest. Cement poured from the cement truck into the other and then pumped along the long arm so the men can put it in the holes. Made work a bit easier for me with the trucks doing the entertaining.