31 May 2015

35 solar laps later...

Yesterday I clocked up 35 years of life.  What a privilege to be alive and to have had all these days to live!  I am even more blessed that I have been journeying with God for nigh the entirety of them.  And to wonder that He has been watching over me, walking with me and personally involved for every moment.  As I begin this next year of life, I lay it all before Him.  

My journey thus far has been vastly different from all that I'd imagined and hoped for, both in highs and lows, yet despite and through the twisted path, I appreciate all that God has done and taught me.  He's helping me grow into the fullness of who He designed me to be.  For me, the wonder is in the journey and what a journey it has been so far.  And I wonder what is to come...  

Whatever the future holds, right now I'm enjoying learning to have a more intimate relationship with God, progressively understanding myself and Him and how we fit together. Enjoying the results from the challenging lessons anyway. For those who know anything of my journey, I feel I am beginning to come out the other side of my 'valley of the shadow of death'.  I feel that God is leading me into something new, my promised land of sorts.  I'm not really sure what that is but I'll discover it along the way as He and I walk together.  It's a year for growth and blessing I think.  Challenging and wonderful times ahead.

As for the day for celebrating my life, it was a smooth and pleasant one.  I began, after opening waiting presents and cards sent from family, by taking a walk with God down to the water's edge where I sat and talked with Him.  Mid morning I set out for the day, stopping by a friend's briefly before catching up with a fun bunch who gather to play board games.  I haven't been able to make it for a while so it was great to indulge myself for an entire afternoon.  I sat down with some others to battle the Power Grid.  I've only played this game twice but both times I've won so I wasn't sure if I should risk my winning streak.  But nevermind that.  The way things flowed led me to win again.  Yay for my birthday.  Also played a shorter, more playful game called Colt Express.  I then moseyed on home where some friends joined me in the evening hours for cheese and wine.  One brought me a delicious homemade carrot cake.  Friends and food and talk for several hours was a most delightful, satisfying end to another birthday.